Monday, March 31, 2008

It's been a while

I really need to get with it on the blogging! As you can see by the picture, I’ve been having way to much fun. Lots going on with the family and such. Not so much going on with the knitting. Since I last posted something I have probably started 5 new projects and not finished one except for a pair of socks. My FIRST pair of socks. So at least that’s pretty significant. I promise myself to blog regularly, it’s a promise just to me of course, ‘cause right now I’m probably the only one who cares ha ha.

What’s the deal with the picture? My first trip to Vegas last week. A sad statement for someone who has lived in So Cal all her life and is currently 33. My man was kind enough to take me.

More pictures:

The Cute Couple, awwww

I think he likes boobies
This is just a sampling of pics of course, there is a beer in my hand in every one of them.